
Showing posts from October, 2021

#HavdalahQuotes No. 59

(Art by Jason Edmiston) "The monsters were never // under my bed. // Because the monsters // were inside my head. // I fear no monsters, // for no monsters I see. // Because all this time // the monster has been me." — Nikita Gill Happy Halloween! Take note and take care.

#MyJewishValues No. 34

( Art by Bluelela ) Gimel Zayin Yud : GZY is an acronym for gam zeh ya'avor, which means "this too shall pass / and this, too, shall pass away." There are many stories of its origin, but this is my favorite:  "One day Solomon decided to humble Benaiah Ben Yehoyada, his most trusted minister. He said to him, “Benaiah, there is a certain ring that I want you to bring to me.” “If it exists anywhere on earth, your majesty,” replied Benaiah, “I will find it and bring it to you, but what makes the ring so special?” “It has magic powers,” answered the king. “If a happy man looks at it, he becomes sad, and if a sad man looks at it, he becomes happy.” Solomon knew that no such ring existed in the world, but he wished to give his minister a little taste of humility. Spring passed and then summer, and still Benaiah had no idea where he could find the ring. He was about to give up when he decided to take a walk in one of the poorest quarters of Jerusalem. He passed by a merchant

#HavdalahQuotes No. 58

(Art by Jonathan Horowitz) "I get along best with people I don't need to explain things to. Unfortunately for me, I tend to work almost exclusively with people who need some explaining." — paraphrase of Kat Blaque Take note and take care.

#MyJewishValues No. 33

(Art by Robert Deninno) Kavod Habriyot : human honor and dignity. A concept for how we interpret and apply Jewish laws and rules where we uplift the inherent value and worth of a person over anything else. It is another principle that allows a Jew to violate religious requirements in pursuit of a higher good that is similar to pikuach nefesh (saving a life). For instance, when Rav Nahman bar Yitzhak is challenged by Rabbi Yohanan, the brother of his good friend Mar. The story goes that a corpse was found in the city of Derokera, and Rav Nahman bar Yitzhak permitted carrying it to a karmelit (a semi-public domain into which carrying on Shabbat only involves a minor transgression). Notably, "Rav Nahman bar Yitzhak was a renowned scholar who later became head of the Babylonian Academy in Pumbeditha. But as we are taught elsewhere, his primary scholarly achievements involved not innovating new legal positions, but accurately preserving and sharing the Torah teachings that he had recei

Steven Taylor Murder: Jason Fletcher Motion to Dismiss Denied

It has been 18 months since Steven Taylor was murdered by former San Leandro Police Officer Jason Fletcher in less than 40 seconds from when he arrived on scene. It has been 18 months since still active SLPD Officer Stefan Overton was an accessory to the crime, tasing Steven even after he had already been shot. It has been 18 months since the ongoing racism and inequity within San Leandro was laid bare in a way that was impossible to ignore or deny. A judge in the proceedings recently denied Fletcher's motion to dismiss the case.  However, Fletcher didn't bother to appear in court, letting his attorney, Michael Rains of the Oakland Riders police corruption scandal , to bloviate on his behalf. Among the notable remarks were these:  "Alameda County Superior Court Judge Thomas Reardon asked why Fletcher did not wait for his backup since Taylor allegedly posed no immediate threat to anyone when Fletcher arrived at the Walmart at 15555 Hesperian Blvd. on April 18, 2020." &

#HavdalahQuotes No. 57

(Art by Takashi Murakami, Japan Supernatural: Vertiginous After Staring at the Empty World Too Intensely, I Found Myself Trapped in the Realm of Lurking Ghosts and Monsters, 2019) "Some people will never like you because your spirit irritates their demons."  —  Denzel Washington Take note and take care.

#MyJewishValues No. 32

Devekut : literally means dedication but traditionally refers to cleaving to God. In ancient Hebrew, to cleave is to become close, to join with, to adhere, to abide fast together, to follow. In religious Judaism and in academia, it's most commonly associated with the philosophical and mystical understanding of cleaving or attaching oneself to God in all areas of life. It can also refer to a deep, trance-like meditative state attained during prayer, Torah study, or when performing the 613 mitzvot. While it's particularly associated with the Jewish mystical tradition, in modern Israeli Hebrew, it's also often a synonym for dedication towards a particular goal. Devekut is that moment of silence when your mind is completely open, listening to your spirit harmonize with the world around you. It can appear as a sudden flash or a quiet realization, and all your misconceptions fall away until the only thing that remains is a feeling of pure connection with whatever you choose to fo

SWAI Meeting: Confronting Racism Online & In Real Life

SWAI, the San Leandro White Antiracism Initiative (pronounced "sway") is having our next meeting on Wednesday, October 20, from 7:30 to 9:00 PM. We will be having a presentation from Neighbors for Racial Justice (N4RJ). Contact to join and get the Zoom link. Blurb by N4RJ — Confronting Racist Profiling: Committing to Safer Communities is a 90-minute presentation given by one person of color and one white person. This includes a facilitated dialogue. Learn how our conditioned racist beliefs undermine public safety efforts and drive profiling that brings devastating harm to our neighbors of color, especially those who are Black. The presentation includes personal storytelling and actions to confront racist profiling in your community. The content was created by Neighbors for Racial Justice under the guidance of a Black, women-led council.  About SWAI — We are a group of neighbors, organizers, and allies committed to justice, equity, diversity, and inclusio

Menthol Door Hanger Event

Do you care about public health? Is improving sustainability and resiliency important to you? Are you interested in stopping the flow of poisonous tobacco products into youth, BIPOC, and LGBTQ+ communities? Then here's your opportunity to help educate San Leandro residents about how they can take action to end the sale of menthol cigarettes in our city! The event is on Saturday, October 16, 9:30 AM to 12:00 Noon. RSVP here for the meet-up location. It's a door-to-door precinct walk. Training is provided. Friends and family welcome! Contact for information.   Here's the official blurb The Alameda County Tobacco Control Coalition is requesting help and support as San Leandro considers strengthening their Tobacco Retail Licensing (TRL) ordinance in the coming months, including ending the sale of menthol tobacco products in the city. Surrounding cities have since ended the sale of menthol and all flavored tobacco, making San Leandro the go-to city to bu

Every Day is Indigenous Peoples Day on Indigenous Land

From the folks at the Sogorea Te' Land Trust : "We celebrate the strength, resilience, and beauty of our ancestors and relatives today and every day. Wherever you are, If you are not on your own ancestral lands,  learn more about the history of where you are, reflect on your own role in colonialism and structural inequality, do something to heal historical harms, and support your local Indigenous-led land work." Take note and take care. Art by Fernando Marti.

San Leandro Community Police Oversight Event

From the folks at SLATE , San Leandro for Accountability, Transparency, and Equity: "On October 16 and 21, the city of San Leandro will be giving the public a chance to share their feedback and ask any questions about community police oversight in San Leandro. Please attend one of the meetings and remind the city that we need a police oversight board that: 1. Is completely independent from the police department and fairly represents the community. 2. Has the power to review police policy. We hope to remind the city the importance of fair and transparent investigations of police misconduct.  Hop on one of the meetings to learn more about what the city is recommending and ensure that your voice is heard!" Learn more about these forums here. The virtual community forums will cover the following topics: background on police oversight; possible structures and elements of a police oversight model for San Leandro; as well as opportunities for public feedback and questions. The foru

#HavdalahQuotes No. 56

( Art by Robert Shetterly ) "To be hopeful in bad times is not just foolishly romantic. It is based on the fact that human history is a history not only of cruelty, but also of compassion, sacrifice, courage, kindness. What we choose to emphasize in this complex history will determine our lives. If we see only the worst, it destroys our capacity to do something. If we remember those times and places—and there are so many—where people have behaved magnificently, this gives us the energy to act, and at least the possibility of sending this spinning top of a world in a different direction. And if we do act, in however small a way, we don’t have to wait for some grand utopian future. The future is an infinite succession of presents, and to live now as we think human beings should live, in defiance of all that is bad around us, is itself a marvelous victory." — Howard Zinn Take note and take care.

#MyJewishValues No. 31

(Siege and Destruction of Jerusalem by the Romans, 1850 painting by David Roberts) Yavne: a city in the central district of Israel. “For roughly a thousand years, Jewish worship meant bringing sacrifices to the Temple in Jerusalem. Then, in 70 CE, with the Temple about to fall, Rabbi Yochanan ben Zakkai imagined an alternative. He famously asked the Roman Emperor to 'Give me Yavne and its Sages.' From the academies of Yavne came a new form of worship, based on prayer and study. Animal sacrifice, it turned out, was not essential to being a Jew.” But in a larger sense, Yavne means acknowledging “a phase of Jewish history had run its course.” It means that Jews are a living people and part of that process is listening, learning, growing, changing, even or especially when we face our most painful challenges and our most bitter losses. It doesn’t mean abandoning our traditions or community. It doesn’t mean abandoning who we are as a people. Rather, it means embracing what we as a pe

Celina Reynes for San Leandro City Council

I'm so excited to announce my support for the campaign of this incredible community organizer, advocate, activist, educator, Alameda County Democratic Party associate, former East Bay Stonewall Democrats Club Board member, and, most importantly, my friend... Celina Reynes for San Leandro City Council! Celina is a third-generation San Leandran, a descendant of Portuguese immigrants, a vibrant member of our LGBTQ+ community, and has been an integral part of the work happening in our city to implement progressive initiatives, from police reform to homelessness to healthcare to the environment to local development. She founded San Leandro for Accountability, Transparency, and Equity ( SLATE ) which successfully jump-started the city's creation of civilian police oversight through a grassroots movement of hundreds of residents, local leaders, and social service organizations. Celina also served on the Community Advisory Budget Task Force (CABTF), including a leadership role in craft

SLPOA President Lies on Local Podcast

If you live in San Leandro and don't listen to The Marinade with Lee Thomas, I highly recommend you add it to your list and start digging in with gusto! You can listen to them at Apple Podcasts . Thomas offers a unique blend of delicious BBQ and political discourse. In fact, he might be the only media outlet offering anything remotely resembling real talk about politics in San Leandro. So far his guest have included entertaining and informative appearances from Mayor Cutter, Surlene Grant, Peter Oshinski, and the latest with San Leandro Police Officers' Association President, Mike Olivera. *** Unfortunately, instead of hitting a savory-sweet spot, Olivera comes off as bland as if he was reading from a poorly prepared press release. As usual from the police union, we get the classic copaganda of lies and scare tactics coupled with a complete lack of self-reflection or self-awareness. But this isn't surprising. This is the same Mike Olivera who helped cover up the murder of A

#HavdalahQuotes No. 55

  "I must not fear. Fear is the mind-killer. Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration. I will face my fear. I will permit it to pass over me and through me. And when it has gone past I will turn the inner eye to see its path. Where the fear has gone there will be nothing. Only I will remain." - Frank Herbert Take note and take care.

#MyJewishValues No. 30

Parnassah: which means livelihood. It's your income and your ability to support yourself. Traditionally, it has meant your "living" in the sense of "making a living." However, as with all Jewish things, there's a deeper meaning. Parnassah is about more than securing the money to survive in society. It's about understanding the worth of our labor, the costs of our trade, and to chose our occupation with care, because "life's barely long enough to get good at one thing. So be careful what you get good at." Learn more here . Take note and take care.