
Showing posts with the label advocacy

The Big Tent

The Big Tent: Founding Charter The Big Tent is a non-partisan group of community leaders, activists, and everyday folks committed to advocating for shared values and political organizing in the City of San Leandro. We are an inclusive collection of advocates from different backgrounds, platforms, and opinions working together towards mutual goals while supporting the individual success of our partners. We will serve as a communication and organizing hub with other local organizations on policy initiatives, civic education, public outreach, and similar efforts to build a better San Leandro. The Big Tent envisions revitalizing existing networks and reconnecting them to become catalysts for systemic change. Organizing Principle Social and Economic Justice Values Civil Rights Diversity Equity Inclusion Policies Public Safety Housing and Homelessness Healthcare and Wellness Economic and Workforce Development (Jobs) City Gov’t Charter and Election Reform Public Education and Schools The Envi

A Story of Corruption & Virtue on the Chief's Advisory Board

( View member roster here ) I signed up for the San Leandro Police Chief's Advisory Board to serve my community. I have been working as an advocate, organizer, and activist  here for years, often at the forefront of reimagining public safety and implementing police reform . For my efforts, I've received death threats, racist and antisemitic slurs against my family, having my home and children's daycare doxxed, abusive harassment, swatting attacks, and even attempts to get me fired from my job. Police officers have tried to intimidate me, stalked me outside my home, and attempted to entrap me at community events. So I asked Chief Pridgen why would he want me on the board? His answer was that he wanted to hear from a diverse group of perspectives, that he valued different voices and opinions. He said that he knew how much I cared about San Leandro, that I had a principled and important point of view to share. So, in that spirit of good faith, I accepted his invitation and

Operation Big Vote: San Leandro

Elections are one of our biggest opportunities and voting is one of our most important tools to choose the kind of world we want to live in and the people who will represent our communities. Come join us for a voter registration and outreach rally! The event will feature prominent guest speakers from the community, as well as Congresswoman Barbara Lee. We will be tabling and passing out information on voting in the June 7th primary and gearing up for the November general election, as well as helping people register to vote at outside of the San Leandro main library. Event details: Saturday, May 28, 2022 11 AM to 1 PM PDT 300 Estudillo Ave San Leandro, CA 94577 Sign-up for the event in advance at Remember: “there's no such thing as a vote that doesn't matter.”  I hope to see y'all there! Take note and take care.

#HavdalahQuotes No. 56

( Art by Robert Shetterly ) "To be hopeful in bad times is not just foolishly romantic. It is based on the fact that human history is a history not only of cruelty, but also of compassion, sacrifice, courage, kindness. What we choose to emphasize in this complex history will determine our lives. If we see only the worst, it destroys our capacity to do something. If we remember those times and places—and there are so many—where people have behaved magnificently, this gives us the energy to act, and at least the possibility of sending this spinning top of a world in a different direction. And if we do act, in however small a way, we don’t have to wait for some grand utopian future. The future is an infinite succession of presents, and to live now as we think human beings should live, in defiance of all that is bad around us, is itself a marvelous victory." — Howard Zinn Take note and take care.

About Me

I've come to realize that I end up repeating myself a lot when engaging with other people in my work. The hard part is that the topic that most frequently rears itself repeatedly is about my background. How dare I. Who am I. What do I know. What gives me the right. At this point, I'm just tired and bored of having to bare my soul every single time someone with a chip on their shoulder wants to try throwing it at my face. Like with most things in my life, I've chosen to write it down somewhere that people can read at their leisure and convenience. And, also, where I can finally get a little leisure and convenience. So, if you have questions about me then here are some answers. I do mean some. Not all. There will always be things I refuse to share except with my loved ones. Now... prepare for a Very Long Post! *** As a legal advocate, community organizer, civil servant, and experienced public administrator, I believe I possess a unique combination of education, experience, an

A Day In the Life of a Community Advocate & Organizer

It starts and ends with the emails. So many emails. From 6:00 AM to well past midnight. Responding to aspiring politicos, friendly peers, allied organizations, and others needing subject matter expertise in legal assistance, fundraising, networking, or updates on current events, among a milieu of miscellany. After that, it's dashing across town for a local event -- coffee with the cops, a community clean-up, canvassing for a ballot initiative or new candidate, maybe attending a rally and protest. Then it's dashing back home to hop on for a few consecutive hours of Zoom calls with fellow activists to research, review, and write up public comments or civic education and outreach materials. By this time, we're well into the working lunch hour with a less formal meeting between new stakeholders wanting to jump in headfirst or tentative residents dipping their toes in to learn more. Sometimes it's a very formal meeting with new officials hoping to build bridges or test bound