
Showing posts with the label political

Black Lives Matter in San Leandro

Some of you may have noticed today in San Leandro that along Parrot Street, between E. 14th and Hays, are some giant letters spelling out an important message: Black Lives Matter. This effort was undertaken by local residents, activists, and organizers in order to highlight the need for racial justice in our community. Indeed, many of our elected officials were spotted participating, glad-handing, taking photos, and canvassing. Whether for themselves or because they truly believe that Black lives matter is unclear. Because, see, in the days and weeks prior to this, they have seemed more interested in delaying, obfuscating, and actively preventing justice from being carried out in the murder of Steven Taylor. (And the assault of Emerald Black, and previous acts of murder and brutality against BIPOC residents by SLPD, and regular abuse against our homeless population, and local animals mistreated by our officers rather saved by trained animal control agents, but I digress). True, the cit

Bad News Bears Become...

  Raw. Savage. Dolorous. Bursting full of emotions turbulent and deep. Deeper than oceanic currents. Deeper than petrol-filled chasms. Deeper than the wilderness holler. Deeper than light and air and all host of metaphors that are not enough for me right now. I am choking for want of a way to adequately express what I feel. But, if I had to picked something right now, then let's just say my current mood is this. Fucking cheers, everyone.