
Showing posts with the label Klan Leandro

How Bad Apples Spoil The Bunch: San Leandro Police Officers Association's Latest Press Release

(Photo credit: KTVU. Photo of Jason Fletcher, a killer.) On September 14, the San Leandro Police Officers Association sent out a new press release to local media outlets, including the San Leandro Times, which published it on September 17. Other outlets opted to cover it more generally in context of recent events around our city. Additionally, the SLPOA has recently paid for their their organization's page to become advertised content on Facebook, where they have been allocating a full-time staff member to delete almost all critical comments about SLPOA and SLPD's actions since the murder of Steven Taylor by Officer Jason Fletcher. So, here's my Socratic Dialogue in response to their copaganda spin attempts. You can see an original copy of their press release on their social media page , just in case you want to double-check anything. *** Them: San Leandro Police Officers’ Association Expresses Condolences to Family, Friends of Steven Taylor-- Me: No condolences to the fami