
Showing posts with the label creative writing

Words To Remember:

( Smithsonian National Museum of African Art ) I did and do collect a lot of things. Quotes. Keychains. Books. Pogs. World of Warcraft Achievements. Memories. Songs. Stories. Another thing I collect are words. Not just any words. I'm talking about the castoffs, the amalgamations and portmanteaus, the slangsters, the randos. I try to keep a running list and thought maybe ya'll would enjoy what I've got thus far: 1. Pessoptimist, someone who is both a pessimist and an optimist, either alternating or at the same time. 2. Eunoia, the quality of "beautiful thinking." 3. Sarcaustic, being sarcastic and caustic at the same time. Sarcasm that burns. 4. Lunaphile, being a lover of all things moon-related. 5. Xenophilia, an affection for unknown/foreign objects and/or people, the opposite of xenophobia. 6. Wonderlust, unlike wanderlust's strong desire for travel, this is a strong desire for wonder, for things amazing or magical or just plain aweso

Words of Wisdom

Eunoia. Origin: Ancient Greek. Translation: "well mind" or "beautiful thinking". The shortest word in the English language which uses all five vowels. To me, nothing better illustrates eunoia than the words we create to capture the thoughts and feelings we must express. The words we create and tie together into kaleidoscopes of sentences. I have been collecting quotes for over 10 years now. Many are well-known. Others are so obscure that if I wasn't around to hear them... they might as well as never have been said for all history would know. To mark reaching the nice round number of 400-ish, I have posted them all for your enjoyment in order alphabetical. I give you... A Saboteur Academia Production! Alternative Wisdom for Hipsters, Hobos, and Haters  The Most A-mazazingly Phat & Nifty Collection of Quotes  Amassed in the History of Everything By Zek J. Evets With credit to Jasper O., Gian A., Tuba M.,  David T., The Miss So&So’s, Uncle Mal,

Ranting In the Dark // Yelling To The Night

(Credit) This is a prose poem. Please do not confuse the art with the artist by projecting the contents of the character into the creator. Begin rant/ I'm no longer on my antidepressant. I still take the Xanax though. My therapist, who I was finally starting to get comfortable with after months, has moved away for a new job. So I've stopped therapy completely. I treat my psychiatrist like a mushroom because he doesn't seem interested in me. I feel like my treatment has helped me as much by not helping me as it has by helping me. I still have intrusive thoughts about terrible things. I still exhibit hyper-vigilance. I still worry excessively about my shit and piss and bathrooms and wearing protective garments. Yet now I have stopped putting myself down for past my behavior when I was a child. I give myself space to try and openly be sad, to feel things, to not be perfect. Some days I even feel truly, unconditionally, and briefly happy. Especially with my infant. Still, I al

Sad Bastard Poetry Is Here!

So, my latest collection has FINALLY arrived for your reading pleasure! Available in Kindle, NOOK, Apple ibook, and other ebook formats, as well as traditional softcover from Amazon , Barnes & Noble , and Ingram. This collection has been a loooooong time in the making -- a lot of writing, editing, rewriting, reediting, scrapping, emotional upheavals, existential crises, and cash-strapped budgeting. But, after almost eight years of hard work, it's done. (Seriously, I could give GRRM a run for his money when it comes to the wait between books.) I certainly could never have done it without the support of my wife, my brother, and a lot of inspirational artists I know in real life as well as not in real life, including/especially Melanie Matranga who contributed the cartoon artwork for this collection. I also owe a big thanks to Amber, and all of the Dog Ear Publishing team who helped me turn this collection into the electronically as well as physically bound reality before y

Status Update

Status update! Sad Bastard Poetry, my latest collection has completed it's proof pass phase and is approved for printing with Dog Ear Publishing!! I anticipate having a solid release date for ya'll soon. In the meantime, here's another sample of the original artwork I had commissioned for this collection, as well as the back-cover description to give you an idea of what you're in for: "Since the very first quasi-mythological scratchings of the written word, and probably long before it, people have been sharing stories of the tragicomic concept known as Love. Those heights, and depths, were plundered no more infamously than by a writer named Billy the Bard, also known as Willy the Shake and Old Bill (unless you count that incestuous paedophile E.A. Poe). His gratuitous impact sparked the name for this collection in which you will read about the grotesque, photographic, melancholic, eviscerating, and hilarious faces of Love in all its forms, from romantic and sweet,