On June 3, San Leandro for Accountability, Transparency, and Equity (SLATE) is having an informational session as well as volunteer orientation meeting for community police oversight in San Leandro. As you may be aware, our city manager and elected officials are looking at implementing oversight models to incorporate best practices for policing in our city. They have been speaking with community organizers as well as local leaders to solicit our input and expertise. They have also been consulting with the OIR Group, SEED Collaborative, and the National Association for Civilian Oversight of Law Enforcement (NACOLE). While this initiative is not new, recent events locally, regionally, and nationally, have shown the need for meaningful police reform. Indeed, over 250 residents, activists, organizers, leaders, and representatives from community groups in San Leandro have signed an open petition supporting it. WHO: This informational session for anyone who is interested in community police ...