
Delete Discrimination: California AB1466

(Credit:  Boise Regional Realtors® ) California’s AB-1466 finally provides a systemic solution to remove racist covenants, conditions, and restrictions from property deeds and it is on Governor Newsom’s desk! Even though these CC&Rs were found to be unconstitutional and unenforceable since 1948, the offensive language persists. Seeing such blatant bigotry in escrow documents is painful, particularly for people of color. While we cannot and should not forget the history of racial exclusion in housing, there is no purpose in keeping this language in people’s property deeds other than causing further harm. It is past time they were removed for good. If you’re wondering about whether all of this is necessary, there are many examples of such covenants on social media local news that highlight exactly why. Here is just one example : "We hear a lot about racially restrictive [covenants] and systemic racism, but have you ever seen an example of it? Well, here’s a snapshot of propert

#HavdalahQuotes No. 54

( Credit: Tyler Elise ) "Normalize changing your opinion when presented with new information." — Unknown, inspired by WandaVision Take note and take care.

#MyJewishValues No. 29

Gilgul: (plural gilgulim) also known as Gilgul neshamot/Gilgulei Ha Neshamo. In Hebrew, the word gilgul means "cycle" or "wheel" and neshamot is the plural for "souls." Souls are seen to cycle through lives or incarnations, being attached to different human bodies over time. Which body they associate with depends on their particular task in the physical world, spiritual levels of the bodies of predecessors and so on. The concept relates to the wider processes of history in Kabbalah, involving cosmic Tikkun (Messianic rectification), and the historical dynamic of ascending Lights and descending Vessels from generation to generation. Rolling of the souls through life from body to body, animal or human, basically metempsychosis. There's gilgul, transmigration proper, in which a soul that had previously inhabited one body is sent back to earth to inhabit another body. Then ibbur, “impregnation,” in which a soul descends from heaven in order to assist anoth

Meet Your District Attorney

A project of the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) of California. What is a DA?  "District attorneys (DAs) are more than just prosecutors. The district attorney’s job is to seek justice in criminal cases, work to prevent crime, and serve as a leader in the diverse communities they represent. The DA is also an elected official. In California, we have 58 elected DAs each representing one of our 58 counties." What makes a DA so powerful?  "District attorneys in California have tremendous power to impact the lives of millions of people, their families, and entire communities. If someone is accused of committing a crime, it is not the police but the DA who has the sole power to decide if criminal charges are filed and the severity of those charges. They alone decide who is deserving of a jail or prison sentence and who will instead be routed into a diversion program to help rebuild their life, or have charges dismissed." How do DAs serve their community? "DAs a

#HavdalahQuotes No. 53

(Art by Lourry Legarde) "I used to be afraid of the dark until I learned that I am light and the dark is afraid of me." — D.R. Silva Take note and take care.

#MyJewishValues No. 28

This week is #HEREIAM #Hineni. I've endured horrific #antisemitism, yet, I remain a proud Jew committed to all the beauty of our people, cultivating #community, and forging #partners in allyship.  Learn more at Here I Am Stories . Take note and take care.

Collusion Between County DA & Local Police Unions

This is something many suspected but only known to a few. Alameda County District Attorney Nancy O'Malley colluded with local police unions (including the SLPOA) to smear political opponent Pamela Price who wants to clean up law enforcement in our county. Among the alleged violations, "O'Malley's deputy prosecutors also monitored Price's political activities "during work hours," which "constitutes an in-kind contribution" and should have been reported by the O'Malley campaign committee and even the DA's office. Coordinating campaign ads, fundraising and other activities using government letterhead, time and emails all on company time, violate state campaign laws." Learn more at  KTVU  and WaPo . Please sign and circulate the petition demanding accountability for these violations election law and state ethics requirements. Their joint misconduct shows how much both offices think they are above the law. Hopefully, exposure of this sc