
The First Black Jew In America

The Moorish Zionist Temple, Harlem, NY, 1929 (James Van Der Zee/The Folklore Research Center, Hebrew University of Jerusalem via the National Library of Israel Digital Collection) * This is a subject I've been wanting to write about for quite some time and, in honor of Black History Month this year, I'm finally taking the time to do so. It's about the first Black Jew in America and, more than that, the stories of the incredible lives of those who claimed the title. Now, before we get started, it's important to recognize that my research and learning on this subject is almost entirely indebted to the work of Jewish scholars, most of them Black Jews themselves, who came before me. I am  particularly indebted to scholar and rabbi ,[1] Shais Rishon, known by his pseudonym of MaNishtana. Toda raba, mishpocha. *** This story starts in the town of Wenham, Essex County, Massachusetts, circa 1668 .[2] On June 30 of that year, two people were presented to the local grand jury for

Show Up for San Leandro Police Oversight

This Tuesday, February 15, 6:30 PM, the San Leandro City Council will have its first work session on creating a police oversight program and we need the community to show up, show out, and make sure that the city takes decisive action. We need the City Council to direct staff to begin creating an oversight board that is independent, transparent, well-resourced, and diverse, without any further delay. Here's how you can support: 1. Forward this information to friends, family, and neighbors who are invested in making our police department more transparent and accountable to our community! You can also use the graphics embedded here in posts on social media. I have also put together a folder of educational resources courtesy of the San Leandro White Antiracism Initiative (SWAI) at 2. Use the link to the Oversight Action Packet to make a public comment on February 15 at 6:30! The meeting is virtual, and you can join by visiting or visiting

San Leandro Needs a Safe Parking Program

(Image credit: City of Long Beach ) We have over 400 unhoused San Leandrans, many of whom live in their vehicles — trailers, RVs, trucks, or even sedans and SUVs. If complaints from residents are any indication, many of our neighbors are parking their vehicles at the Marina and other mostly empty large parking lots. The results are difficult but unsurprising, with trash, waste, and domestic disturbances. Meanwhile, SLPD has stepped up enforcement efforts without thought for the fact that these members of our community cannot afford the fines or arrests and, more importantly, they have nowhere to go. But there's a solution we can take that might alleviate this problem without undue COVID-19 risks: safe parking programs. As these individuals and families work to lift themselves up out of a difficult situation, many are making daily and nightly choices between having a safe space to sleep and crippling penalties just for existing. Creating further barriers to stability are the isolati

Next Steps to Next Levels

Today was a frenetic flood of so many things to do, to say, to write, to read, and to hold that I literally dozed off in my chair with my laptop, cell, and headphones all right in the middle of listening to an important meeting. Today was a reminder that I only have so much time in a day and so many priorities I can tackle in it. Above all of those are my wife, my daughters, and our family together. Which is why it will be hard to step back, to take on less, to have to say no when I want to yell yes and jump right in. But when that happens, I have faith that there are so many other people in this community who have been and will continue to be there for justice, equity, diversity, and inclusion. I take comfort in knowing that we all cycle through different periods of life, from the vanguard to rearguard. For me, this is a period of quiet growth, of foundation building, and of preparation for the work still to come. I am taking my next steps to reach those next levels in my life. I can&

City Council Votes on Menthol Cigarette Ordinance

On Tuesday, January 18th, the San Leandro City Council will finally consider adopting a policy to end the sale of menthol cigarettes in the city. The meeting starts at 6:30 PM and the menthol cigarette ordinance is agenda item #12A, which you can find at Here is the meeting agenda and the Zoom meeting link is You can view the draft ordinance at There will be an opportunity for public comment, and speakers on this item will likely be given 1-2 minutes each to provide their comments. The Alameda County Tobacco Control Coalition has developed a participation packet with background information on this issue, as well as participation details. You can find that at

Racist Profiling Leads to Hate Crime Assault in San Leandro

(Photo by San Diego Union-Tribune ) Content Warning: this post contains graphic discussions of bigotry and violence. Last month, a Woman of Color participating in our local Buy Nothing group was attacked in a textbook case of how social media fearmongering leads to real-world consequences. For those who don't know, Buy Nothing is a national organization made up of individual community chapters that serve as a place to share goods and services, from clothes to books, and yard work to housework, as well as almost anything else. I have included links to the full statements from the administrators of North San Leandro Buy Nothing below, but I want to directly share the series of events as reported by the victim: "On a porch pickup today (12/23) at 10:50am (to a house I have already been to) I was physically assaulted. My body is in pain and I can still feel burning where the man’s hands were wringing my arm. I was accused of stealing from the gifter’s porch which I explained to th

#HavdalahQuotes No. 67

(Some Birds Are Not Meant To Be Caged, By Ryger ) When I first started this series, my intention was to balance out the toxicity and bigotry of social media and the internet with words of wisdom. My goal was to put something positive and maybe even beautiful out there into the vast reaches of cyberspace. Now, as we begin our journey into 2022, I believe this will be my last entry in this series for a while as I refocus and reprioritize my endeavors. So, in honor of this particular ending and a simultaneous beginning, here's a quote I hope you love as much as I do. "The only way to deal with an unfree world is to become so absolutely free that your very existence is an act of rebellion." — Albert Camus Here's to living in collective liberation! Take note and take care.