San Leandro Police Officers Association Lies in Press Release
( Credit: Gawker ) The SLPOA distributed a press release recently that was picked-up by several outlets. See Let's break this down piece by piece. Where is SLPOA getting their stats from? Accordingly to city officials, such as city council member Benny Lee, SLPOA is getting their stats from If so, then we need to have an honest conversation about that website. All data it receives is taken from law enforcement's own reporting. It doesn't give aggregate numbers, but a data visualization. So SLPOA's numbers are coming from SLPD directly and not the website. In fact, those numbers are coming from data SLPD hasn't publicly disclosed because they don't match with what SLPD is supposed to report publicly. (See below.) This is concerning because SLPOA is not supposed to be using city resources for their own agenda and SLPD is not supposed to have two ...