You Are Not Prepared!

 (For this level of deadly cuteness)

Or are you? Consider the query.

Welcome to this blog! This will become a repository for my gamer, geek, nerd, dork, dweeb, dofus, and otherwise awesome passions. (That you will not find in such abundance on my other blogs and web-based whisperings.) So I thought it worthwhile to open it with the infamous words of the late-but-soon-to-be-revived Illidan Stormrage of Warcraft, one of my all-time favorite computer gaming franchises.

Don't worry; you'll get used to my eccentricities.

This blog is, especially, dedicated to the late-night grinders such as myself -- the 4 AM, red-eye-lidded, HotPocket + Dr. Pepper = ulcer, incessant thought-wanderers who haunt the alleyways of the cyberspace for no better reason than habit.

Do you grind LFR the Monday before server reset for Xmog grear? Then this blog is for you!

Do you google minor plot points to John Scalzi novels while your spouse has long since passed out on the couch? Then this blog is for you!

Do you think of your procrastinated exercise as leveling up to make it more likely you'll maybe, probably do it? Then this blog is for you!

Do you enjoy Netflix marathons of AdultSwim's classic anime crushed into a 2-day weekend? Then this blog is for you!

Do you enjoy DIY Retroconsole projects spontaneously inspired by LifeHacker articles? Then this blog is for you!

Really this blog is for all my peoples who, like me, find themselves part of the New Old School of Nerdom, adrift because they aren't 12 year-old Xbox twat-faces or 40+ year-old Apple employees. So, if you're looking for something different, give this blog a try! And if you don't like it, you can always leave me a cruel rude comments that'll be caught in the spam filter.

Here it goes.


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