Why Adult Swim Circa Early 2000s

Because Adult Swim in the early 2000s was so good, so revolutionary, and so unappreciated for its time that one can't help but wanna fanboy dick-ride it into the dust of hearty nostalgia.


I mean, we're talking the magical line-up to end all magical line-ups! We're talking Space Operas, Old Westerns, straight up Street Fighters, Mecha, Samurai epics, Post-apocalyptic Wastelands a la Mad Max, Historical Revisionary pseudo-homoerotic Pedagogy, Crime Thrillers, Nightmarish Acid Trips, Ancient Japan, Cyber Punk, Sci-Fi, Hi-Fi, Lo-Fi, Comedy, Dramedy, Romantic Fappery, Fantasy, High Fantasy, Demon Fantasy, Detective Mystery, and fricking Comic Books!

And the best part? It was all late night. Meaning after the 'rents were asleep, after the ankle-biters were tucked, and when all the kids were out of the pool. It was a hidden gem amongst an endless cavern of coal in TV land.

They even showed special full-length features that you couldn't find anywhere outside of Japan... except on Adult Swim at that one time they showed it around weekday 'round midnight. Honestly, without Cartoon Network's Adult Swim, my teenage years would've essentially been a wasted opportunity, bereft of true art.

And it boy did they art the hell out of things. They indulged in a unique blend of melancholic nostalgia and savant garde that rivals anything by the Old Masters of book, canvas, and stone. I mean, they even used the crazy mechanized computer voice that you listened to in middle school while playing Oregon Trail!!!

It was like being stuck inside a tunnel of awesomesauce with a side of amazeballs tripping on wyn and gosu. Not to mention it was a great way to pretend to learn Japanese, sword fighting, martial arts, mechanical engineering, shapeshifting, Jazz music, gun-slinging, piloting, and one-liners.

Thank Gawd and Geebus P. Cryst for you Adult Swim, you sexy sonuva B!


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