Better Late Than Never For...

It has been a minute since my last post. Lots going on, from various family/personal medical issues to work shtuff to simply being effing exhausted by Lyfe. Y'know how it goes fellow cyberweb dwellers.

However, in the midst of these circumstances comes along one pretty nifty happenstance. I am now the Guild Master of my World of Warcraft guild Asgard Warriors, Alliance Faction, Ysera server.

Our old GM has, unfortunately, been AFKing, BRBing, and otherwise MIAing for some time lately, resulting in my previous Asst GM duties encompassing keeping a guild alive that is so casual we wear pajamas to the pharmacy. Seriously, we don't raid, we don't PvP, we don't roll dungeons together, or even sit in G-chat shooting the ish. We just co-exist in some sort of amorphous blob of gaming and relative ignorance.

But not me! I have been making efforts to step up guild participation... with generally craptastic results.

Until recently, when I instigated my generally bloodless coup. When a GM is out for 3 months or more, the game will allow the next allowable member to become the new GM. Part of a spiffy change that Blizzard instituted some time ago to prevent guilds from being hostage to GMs who are off the reservation, especially since this game lasts decades after all!

Since my takeover, I have redesigned our emblem to something appropriate for our guild's theme, a wizened tree across a field of dark red. The tree represents Yggdrasil and the field represents the blood spil't by the guild as well as our enemies.

I also revised our ranking system with GM, Asst GM, Officers, Valkyrie, Asgardians, Midgardians, Utgardians, Alfgardians, Guild Levelers, and Initiates.

Our guild bank was a fricking mess! Mostly filled with useless items and wholly disorganized. I cleaned it up, sold off the cheap goods, redeposited our profits, changed the withdrawal limits/terms, and then added a bunch of newer stuff we've been missing (e.g. gear, gems, crafting mats, etc).

Indeed, the guild is finally coming together into a sensible thing. Now all I need to do is get people interested in participating again after all this previous mishigas. And, y'know, I still haven't heard from our old GM. His toons are still in the guild, albeit demoted, but they're at least 3 months to 5 months since the last log-on. I guess he's just bye-bye Felicia. Go figures? So it goes.

As for me, I am stoked to finally be in charge of my own lil' corner of a completely digital world. Power mad? Nah! Just looking forward to setting things to rights when so much of my life is decidedly NOT.

Silver-linings. I'll take 'em where I can get 'em.


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