
Showing posts from February, 2017

Dorktastic Videos: Distracting Myself From...

... The dumpster fire (Trumpster fire?) fueled on bullshit and bigotry by Darth Cheeto, AKA The Orange Menace, AKA Spray-Tan Hitler, AKA Twitterer in Chief, AKA ROTUS, AKA Apocalypse Now, AKA Donald Drumpf. How, might you ask? How can I possibly tear myself away from the litany of news feeds  (or, in the words of Republicans "fake news," AKA "alternative facts," AKA lies) showcasing #45's brick-shitting and eye-gouging stupidity?  I watch hilarious videos, of course! So, for your distracting pleasure in-between bouts of social justice, activism, and maybe even a little subversion, I give you my choicest selections: Trust me, the Russian Mafia Story just makes you want to cry tears of collegiate joy -- even if you were a "non-traditional" student like myself! It also makes so much sense when you think about college kids, Russia, and White people Whitepeopling. (Which I am told is, indeed, a verb, so fuck you.) This video is probably the

Social Justice Warriors Unite Like Voltron!

Subtitle: fighting back against the fascist, ego-maniacal, corrupt, lying, bigoted, fecal-fueled dumpster-fire that is, unfortunately   regrettably   depressingly   confusingly   infuriatingly  disgustingly our new President of these United (for how long, who knows?) States of America. As such, here's my starter's guide *PART ONE* to fighting back against this shitstorm with all the paper-towels at your disposal. 1. Follow and support organizations doing the front-line work of exposing the destruction being wrought and who are actively fighting back. Start  with local organizations in your communities FIRST! In my locale of the Bay Area, for instance, we've got...  Jobs with Justice SF , East Bay Alliance for a Sustainable Economy and Bay Rising , 350 Bay Area , Alliance of South Asians Taking Action , Arab Resource and Organizing Center , Asian Pacific Environmental Network , AFT 2121 , CAIR SF Bay Area , California Faculty Association , Causa Justa Just Cause , C