Yet Another Shooting By SLPD

(Photo by CBS San Francisco.)

Well, it has been just two months since an SLPD officer shot someone. See here for the local reports. I have a lot of questions about this specific encounter, but the most pressing one is this: when does it stop

I understand the details of this incident are concerning and still unfolding. What we do know: a traffic violation leads to a pursuit. A couple of hours later, officers in an undercover vehicle remain behind, and end up shooting at another person because they have a gun.

Now, self-defense I get. But since when do the "good guys" shoot first and ask questions later nearly every single time?

SLPD needs to change its policy on high-speed car chases. They need to stop overpolicing minor traffic violations. Lastly, we need to actually use de-escalation tactics coupled with real accountability and supervision.

Chief Tudor says we have a progressive police department. He says we have a department that uses de-escalation tactics, as well as enforces supervision and accountability. However, given that we have seen a record increase in the number of officer-involved shootings, despite continued stagnant crime levels and abysmal clearance rates, that is hard to take seriously.
In the meantime, these continued incidents waste public funds, critical personnel, and other resources, during a time when we literally cannot afford to. They undermine public trust, transparency, and safety during a time of crisis globally, nationally, and especially locally, when we need these more than ever.

So, as always, take note and take care.


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