
Showing posts from 2020

New Year, Old Year

Well everyone, it has been an intense and harrowing year, filled with tragedies both local as well as national. In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, issues across the socio-political spectrum have exposed deep fissures of suffering, bigotry, and injustice. There have also been bright spots, from adventures in Zoom to community charity events, but these have largely been muted by the overarching reality that has faced us starkly and unavoidably. In no way has this been more painful than in the lives of approximately 450,000 Americans who have died as a result of the coronavirus. That said, here are my resolutions for 2021: 1. Healing my mind & body. This goes from exercise to diet to medical treatment to therapy and beyond. As I move through my mid 30's with my wife and children, I can't be as cavalier about these issues anymore as I was in my 20's. 2. Cultivating habits for happiness. I mean really reprioritizing professional and personal activities with better boundar

Neighbors for Racial Justice on CNBC

I was pleased to see this recent CNBC piece about the systemic issues with racism and related bigotry on Nextdoor: I was even more proud to have been able to support and connected with the group, Neighbors for Racial Justice (N4RJ), which was formed in Oakland, but now encompasses several allied groups around the Bay Area, including San Leandro with yours truly! As we've seen here, particularly during the COVID-19 pandemic, Nextdoor's platform has become a public square where our community members, including local businesses, can connect with each other. However, as we've also seen, it has been used as a tool for racial profiling, toxicity, misinformation spread by public officials, and even illegal activity. This is going on against a backdrop of Nextdoor's attempts to rehabilitate its image and increase ad revenue in anticipation of an IPO (initial public offering) for the company that could see it become a real competitor for social medi

Holidays in the Time of Coronavirus

Almost 30,000 people have contracted COVID-19 in Alameda County and over 500 people have died from it. In San Leandro alone, we've had over 1,600 cases. The positive test rates in the most populated areas of the county, including most of San Leandro, vary from 5% to greater than 8%. The pandemic's impacted has disproportionately affected Black and Hispanic/Latino communities, particularly when adjusted as a share of the total population. But even when not looking at specific demographics, the devastation is startling, especially as we haven't even begun to review community spread from Thanksgiving yet. You can see the numbers for yourself, in a simple, interactive format on the county's website at I understand people are scared. I understand people are frustrated. I understand there's lots of conflicting information crowding your media sources. I understand that the economic struggles are getting worse, the social and emotional tolls

Board Games for Pandemic Boredom

(Mural by Roid Design ) Well, looks like we’re returning to sheltering-in-place. The colder weather is coming in, days are getting shorter, and we have an unusual holiday season ahead of us. So, I figure many people will be – like me – spending more time indoors with their immediate household. What board games do you enjoy to pass the time playing or just change up your daily activities with? Here are my top 5 for adults and top 5 for with children. Also, not all of them are strictly a “board” game. For adults: 1. Arkham Horror. A cooperative adventure game set in the fictional town of Arkham, Massachusetts, where you play together as various characters known as investigators (doctors, P.I.’s, librarians, professors, gangsters, salespersons, trust-fund kids, etc.) tasked with stopping the invasion of H.P. Lovecraft Cthulu-like monsters. It’s a long game, but extremely fun if you’re a fan of mysteries, horror, and weird history. 2. Pandemic. Another cooperative board game where you play

Stop Criminalizing Poverty

On November 16, the San Leandro City Council is set to vote on changes to our municipal code “relating to standing or sitting on traffic medians or near curbs.” While the city has tried to present this as a change to increase traffic safety and relieve road congestin, the reality is that it is merely another attempt at anti-panhandling laws that criminalize poverty and infringe free speech. In fact, some members of the City Council said exactly as much at their September 8 meeting, specifically the mayor and vice mayor! You can look up the relevant information on their website at|&Search= , beginning at Item 10.C. The older meeting records are available at|&Search= , beginning at Item 8.M. Notably, the Supreme Court ruled in Norton v.

Recent SLPD Shooting Was Against Innocent Man

(Artist unknown) Today we learned that the recent SLPD shooting on October 24, 2020, was against an innocent man, 43 year-old John Berry. This is SLPD's 3rd case of unnecessary use of gun violence this year, and the 4th in the last 18 months. If Mr. Berry ultimately succumbs to his critical injuries, he will be the 4th person murdered by SLPD in those 18 months as well. You can find the public posting of the videos, press release, and associated information at My previous post about the shooting is available at Some important details to be aware of when reviewing these materials: 1. Mr. Berry was not associated with the alleged criminal activity earlier that evening regarding a high speed car chase over an also alleged minor traffic violation. 2. There is no evidence provided to show Mr. Berry was pointing his gun at th

SLPD Refused to Help OPD Unless They Can Brutalize Civilians

(Mural credit: local artists, Lucinda and Neha. Found at The Sistas Soul Food Kafe.) A federal judge recently eased weapons restrictions on law enforcement agencies to use against peaceful protesters in Oakland. (See The reason? "OPD and the city pleaded for the changes after multiple Bay Area police and sheriff’s departments told Oakland that if the city asks for help, they won’t show up because they can’t use banned weapons on protesters ... police departments of Fremont, Newark, Union City, and San Leandro, and the San Mateo County Sheriff, have all sent letters or emails stating they won’t send officers to Oakland to help OPD." This revelation is not necessarily shocking, but it's most definitely shameful. Especially in light of a complete lack of independent new reports verifying SLPD's latest press release (see https://local.

San Leandro Police Sergeant Caught Stealing

(Picture by Sheyda Sabetian.) SLPD Sergeant Robert Sanchez has been charged with embezzling and misappropriation of public funds. In plain language: Sanchez was stealing through fraud and corruption. Local news reports are available at here and here . However, I’m sure many of you – like me – found out via the city’s Nixle alert system. What’s interesting is how San Leandro Mayor Pauline Cutter and San Leandro Police Chief Jeff Tudor were able to make such timely and heartfelt statements when it comes to misconduct over money, but not for the murders of Steven Taylor or Anthony Gomez. Indeed, I wonder why immediate action can be taken in the case of this property crime but not for violent crime against innocent citizens? It took months of public pressure, letters, petitions, social media campaigns, and video evidence, as well as a bevy of new laws based on the burgeoning outcry against police brutality just for Jason Fletcher to be charged for killing Steven Taylor. Either the law gov

Spooky San Leandro

( Attribution ) Well, technically it's San Lorenzo, but just stay with me here. If you're looking for a bit of local lore to add an extra fright to your Halloween, I recommend learning more about Pioneer Cemetery, located at 15450 Hesperian Boulevard. Right across the street from our Walmart. You can tell from its three-acres of broken and/or sunken headstones, rotted coffins, vandalized crypts, weeds, dust, and who knows what else! The earliest grave dates back to 1853, when San Lorenzo was known as Squattersville. It's an accurate name for a mishmash of would-be farmers, failed gold miners, immigrants, and adventurers settled on the land of indigenous people who were murderously removed by the Spanish. The cemetery itself is a testament to the violent, turbulent history of our town. In fact, it was a major burial ground from Livermore to Hayward, most likely because it was decidedly nonsectarian. Some notable residents include: The Yoakum brothers, who were convicted of m

Yet Another Shooting By SLPD

(Photo by CBS San Francisco.) Well, it has been just two months since an SLPD officer shot someone. See here for the local reports . I have a lot of questions about this specific encounter, but the most pressing one is this: when does it stop I understand the details of this incident are concerning and still unfolding. What we do know: a traffic violation leads to a pursuit. A couple of hours later, officers in an undercover vehicle remain behind, and end up shooting at another person because they have a gun. Now, self-defense I get. But since when do the "good guys" shoot first and ask questions later nearly every single time? SLPD needs to change its policy on high-speed car chases . They need to stop overpolicing minor traffic violations . Lastly, we need to actually use de-escalation tactics coupled with real accountability and supervision. Chief Tudor says we have a progressive police department. He says we have a department that uses de-escalation tactics, as well as

Flag of the Thin Blue Line

If your kids like to take naps in the car as much as mine do, maybe while driving around town you've noticed an American flag with muted colors and a thin blue line highlighted in the middle. To many this flag represents a commitment to law and order To many it represents solidarity with fallen police officers. To many it represents respect, honor, and courage. To many it represents their support for law enforcement as part of the fabric of American society. However, the reality is far less prosaic. Because this flag is actually a symbol of White Supremacy. Let's start with a history lesson. (See original reporting at .) The flag made one of its most famous appearances at the "Unite the Right" rally in Charlottesville in 2017. The same rally with Confederate flags and tiki torch wielding terrorists chanting "Jews will not replace us." (Full disclosure:

2020 General Election in Alameda County: What I’m Voting For

As has become my habit, here are my votes for the 2020 general election, along with reasons and receipts. This will be a long post, so buckle up! (For the tl;dr version, please scroll to the bottom.) For my general overview reference point, please see and the official Voter Information Guide for Alameda County. For the propositions on the ballot, I am combining my research with, SF Gate, MotherJones, and a useful graphic available at . I am also considering individual guides like those by Taina Vargas-Edmond on Facebook. More specific citations are provided in each area. The order of appearance below matches the order of appearance on my ballot. Standard caveats: I have not received in fact or in promise any money from any candidate. I have not received in fact or in promise a vote for a specific interest that would benefit me financially or professionally. I have