Stop Pushing Poison in San Leandro: End the Sale of Menthol Tobacco Products

The title really tells you everything you need to know about what this post is for. Menthol tobacco products kill thousands of people every year and leave even more with lifelong debilitating illnesses. Even if we weren't in the midst of the most deadly pandemic in modern history fueled by a respiratory-based illness, this would still be the right thing to do. Here's how you can help:

1. Youth Organizers from both San Leandro and Union City will be hosting a joint press event and rally against Big Tobacco on Tuesday, August 10th at 11:00 a.m. at Memorial Park 1105 Bancroft Avenue in San Leandro. Please feel free to circulate the attached flyer and invite others to join this youth-led event.
2. The African American Tobacco Control Leadership Council will be hosting a San Leandro “Why Menthol? Why Now?” Virtual Community Event on Wednesday, September 1st from 5:30 – 7:00 p.m. San Leandro organizations will be co-hosting, including Unity in the Community, SLATE, and the Korean Community Center of the East Bay. More details and flyers to come, but please save the date!

3. San Leandro Rules Committee is expected to discuss TRL/Menthol at their next meeting on the morning of Wednesday, September 22nd. We are hoping for a big San Leandro resident turn-out in the hopes that TRL/Menthol is agendized. Attached is an updated flyer / save-the-date.

4. You can watch a recording of the recent San Leandro Tobacco Policy Roundtable Forum that happened on July 20th. Watch close and you'll see yours truly on the panel advocating for necessary change on this critical public health issue!

5. Contact our local elected officials and urge them to take action to end the sale of menthol tobacco products in San Leandro. You can find a sample letter template here.

Please feel free to reach out to me directly if you want to get connected, play a bigger role, or just learn more about this issue.

Take note and take care.


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