
#ZionistHistory: 3,000 Years Ago to Today

( Credit: Ephraim Moses Lilien ) A while ago I started posting this topic on my other social media accounts to cultivate a healthier and more sustainable social media praxis. But I never thought to share them on here! Well, to correct that oversight, here are all the posts since I started in order from the very first to the most recent. NB: for any term you don't understand, Google is your friend! But I'm happy to answer more in the comments. NB Deuce: Zionism means the right of Jewish people to self-determination in their ancestral and historic homeland. For this to be true, it must be true for all other people too. Zionism cannot coexist with oppression, injustice, or crimes against humanity without losing its meaning entirely. Indeed, the right of all people to self-determination in their ancestral and historic homeland is the core tenet behind Zionism since Exodus. Without it, Zionism is merely another form of tyranny. *** The 1st expression of Zionism in Jewish history com

#MyJewishValues Nos. 1 - 23

A while ago I started posting this topic on my other social media accounts to cultivate a healthier and more sustainable social media praxis. But I never thought to share them on here! Well, to correct that oversight, here are all the posts since I started in order from the very first to the most recent. NB: for any term you don't understand, Google is your friend! But I'm happy to answer more in the comments. *** What are #MyJewishValues? Well, these include aggadah, minhag, musar, and nusach that are part of my Torah, my yiddishkeit, but especially what I'm passing on to my daughters as the heritage they inherit. So, here goes... Avodah : work, worship, service. Especially the power and value of service in work as well as in worship. This is distinct from its original and modern meanings in Hebrew. For me, what is tikkun olam if not avodah persevering? Shalom bayit: peace and harmony in the home. For my family that includes equity in the division of domestic labor running

Stop Pushing Poison in San Leandro: End the Sale of Menthol Tobacco Products

(Source) The title really tells you everything you need to know about what this post is for. Menthol tobacco products kill thousands of people every year and leave even more with lifelong debilitating illnesses. Even if we weren't in the midst of the most deadly pandemic in modern history fueled by a respiratory-based illness, this would still be the right thing to do. Here's how you can help: 1. Youth Organizers from both San Leandro and Union City will be hosting a joint press event and rally against Big Tobacco on Tuesday, August 10th at 11:00 a.m. at Memorial Park 1105 Bancroft Avenue in San Leandro. Please feel free to circulate the attached flyer and invite others to join this youth-led event.   2. The African American Tobacco Control Leadership Council will be hosting a San Leandro “Why Menthol? Why Now?” Virtual Community Event on Wednesday, September 1st from 5:30 – 7:00 p.m. San Leandro organizations will be co-hosting, including Unity in the Community, SLATE, and t

Neighbors For Racial Justice

(Source: N4RJ) Whew! It has been a whirlwind of a year plus on Nextdoor as a user and as a lead. But regardless of the abuse, harassment, or barriers put in place to prevent constructive community building and necessary uncomfortable conversations, I remain as dedicated as ever to building a better San Leandro for everyone. A place where we can continue to have real dialogue in the new public square that forums like this have become. While Nextdoor has summarily and improperly stripped me of my lead status for the moment, I will not give up the struggle to make platforms like theirs live up to the standards they say they are dedicated to and connections between neighbors they say they wish to foster. Indeed, this isn’t the first, second, third, or even the fourth time Nextdoor has failed to consider crucial context, incorrectly removed content, wrongly suspended users, as well as engaged in other inconsistent and inappropriate behavior. In fact, Nextdoor actually violates their own gui

Losing All My Fucks

When I was a young child I was loud and passionate and imaginative and full of questions. When I got a little older, the world forced me to hide my brilliance behind a facade of docility, because being different is inconvenient for adults and prey for bullies. So, I became very good at pretending to be whatever was expected of me. I was quiet. I was obedient. I was small. It nearly killed me. More than once.  Now, as a grown-ass man, I refuse to live within the cages around my joy or the shackles bound to my soul. I have learned how to be my own champion and I refuse, I reject, I renounce all ties that would bind me from being exactly who I am. My life is for living and I'll never let anyone tell me or my family not to be as awesome as we want. I lost all my fucks a long time ago in the chaos of those childhood scars and pain. But in the process, I found myself instead, and now I try to help others find themselves too. This is for unapologetically existing. This is for my ancestors

A Day In the Life of a Community Advocate & Organizer

It starts and ends with the emails. So many emails. From 6:00 AM to well past midnight. Responding to aspiring politicos, friendly peers, allied organizations, and others needing subject matter expertise in legal assistance, fundraising, networking, or updates on current events, among a milieu of miscellany. After that, it's dashing across town for a local event -- coffee with the cops, a community clean-up, canvassing for a ballot initiative or new candidate, maybe attending a rally and protest. Then it's dashing back home to hop on for a few consecutive hours of Zoom calls with fellow activists to research, review, and write up public comments or civic education and outreach materials. By this time, we're well into the working lunch hour with a less formal meeting between new stakeholders wanting to jump in headfirst or tentative residents dipping their toes in to learn more. Sometimes it's a very formal meeting with new officials hoping to build bridges or test bound

Another San Leandro Police Brutality Case Costs City $150,000

( I mage Credit: Ohio State University ) Yes, you read that right. In the case of Ricardo Fortenberry v. City of San Leandro , the city council voted 7-0 during closed session to settle this case for the sum of $150,000 dollars. Now, if you're a frugal, ethical, and socially responsible citizen like myself, you're probably asking yourself: What in the Mother of Moses, Song of Solomon, Jumping Jesus P. Cryst is going on? Well, let me tell you! On October 18, 2018, at approximately 6:20 AM at 1035 International Blvd., a car sideswiped a Mr. Ricardo Fortenberry, resulting in a minor traffic accident with no physical injuries. Shortly thereafter, SLPD Officers Christopher Barris, Anthony Pantoja , Richard Van Dyke (or, Dick, if you're feeling silly), and  Dennis Mally  showed up and violated Mr. Fortenberry's civil rights. How, do you ask? Let me count the ways! 1. Three officers initiated a car chase of Mr. Fortenberry despite orders from their supervising sergeant not to